Top Content Writing Career Opportunities (Advanced)

content writing career

If you have a good expertise with strong writing skills, your content writing career is now opening with more advanced positions Technical Writer Content writers are required to create content that is easily understandable into English. Some requirements include producing FAQs, instructional manuals, how-to guides and more for many different topics like engineering and various […]

Top 4 free online CAT tools for translators

There are a lot of free CAT tools out there. The biggest language service providers in the world use proprietary software based on Windows, but browser-based, free CAT tools are catching on quickly and Mac OS is often left out. With that said, many translators – including myself – love Mac OS and would like […]

Top Content Writing Career Opportunities

content writing career

If you have a passion for writing and basic skill for social media, there are many opportunities to be a content writer. Some of these opportunities include: Social Media Writing As a social media manager, you need to make the public aware of the business of your company. On social media, you’re responsible for promoting […]