ChatGPT and Google in the translation industry

Machine translation (MT) plays important in narrowing language barriers. Using Neural Machine Translation technology (also called GNMT), Google Translate (GT) is now almost the most popular translation platform to help many multi-national companies expand their business in foreign countries. It’s recognized that much content writings are easily localized into other languages via Google Translation thanks to its user-modified mechanism.

Would the dominance of Google Translation be challenged by the rise of ChatGPT?

Recently released in 2022, chatGPT is an AI tool with outstanding functionalities. One of its interesting features is to provide real-time translation for users which enhance people easily to communicate each other no matter what language difference.

Similar to MT – AI thinks like machine but different from MT – AI answers like a human.

The core technology of chatGPT is complex. Thanks to large amount of data, ChatGPT can predict and provide output consistent with the user’s input. Owning a large language model (LLM),  chatGPT can learn and reproduce even better than humans as it was prompted which makes it simply respond as humans do.

Generally, GT could not pick up one correct translation for Vietnamese expression or sometimes provide the literal translation with some missing pieces. Meanwhile, ChatGPT can give better one for such Vietnamese idioms and expressions. Obviously, chatGPT translation cannot be a perfect one, but compared to GT translation, ChatGPT clearly provides the more meaningful adaptation of the original message.

User Experience

If GT can provide quickly the translation of what one user inputs via copying, paste or typing, with chatGPT, the user has to work more. Basically, you have to explain what you want and sometimes train chatGPT a bit so that it can understand clearly what you really need.

Shortly, you have to supply more a bit to chatGTP than Google Translation. However, the return of ChatGPT will surprise you.

Chat Gpt 4 Launch Date

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