Differences between transcreation and marketing translation

transcreation vs marketing translation

The same approach Transcreation and marketing translation are both approaches to translating messaging from one language to another. In marketing, the translators must adapt the language for a new culture in order to convey the same meaning of the original message. They do this by interpreting slang, humour and cultural references. Unlike marketing translation, in […]

How does Machine Translation Post-Editing Work?

Definition of Machine Translation Post Editing

Definition of Machine Translation The definition is the first thing we’ll look at. The automated translation of source material into another language is referred to as MT stand for machine translation. Due to advancements in both software and hardware, MT has seen a significant boost in speed and accuracy in recent years. The language industry’s […]

The Mother Tongue Principle

the principle of the mother tongue

The Mother Tongue Principle, known as the Native Speaker Principle, is the first foundation of translation. How we define a native linguist? A native linguist is a person who was born and grew up as well achieved education in a country where the practical language is the official language. Also, the linguists should have experienced […]