Differences between transcreation and marketing translation

transcreation vs marketing translation

The same approach

Transcreation and marketing translation are both approaches to translating messaging from one language to another. In marketing, the translators must adapt the language for a new culture in order to convey the same meaning of the original message. They do this by interpreting slang, humour and cultural references.

Unlike marketing translation, in transcreation the whole project is considered from the ground up. The motive and desired outcome of the original message will be considered before a transcreation specialist creates a new message that will have the same effect on readers or viewers regardless of their linguistic or cultural background.

For example, an English poster might be adapted for a Chinese audience by changing colours from white to red and replacing white with unlucky colours in China such as black since these are associated with mourning and loss.

As you can see, a transcreation specialist will consider the poster in its entirety, replacing text if necessary. Marketing translation would be more straightforward as it would just involve converting the English text into Mandarin. This is an example of how marketing translation and transcreation can meet in the middle for many projects by using one approach for taglines but another for the main bulk of copy.

..but with different consideration of given context

Transcreation brings intrinsic value to international marketing. It is a complementary approach which takes business goals and consumer needs into consideration for the best results across linguistic and cultural barriers. Honestly, transcreation can bring greater value to brands in international markets by increasing brand awareness, community engagement and revenue.

For example, the Nissan Silvia “Share the feeling” campaign was adapted for each market depending on their own unique culture. In the German version, the brand recognised that Germans tended to have a close relationship with their cars and included a scene of a road trip accompanied by a voiceover. In comparison, the British version was adapted for a more lighthearted tone.

In general, it is important to note that the two approaches have their own set of benefits and downsides. Transcreation will focus on adapting idioms, cultural quirks, considering the desired outcome for an advertisement in order to achieve it for a new audience. Marketing translation will convert text into another language and drop translated copy into existing poster design without much consideration given to anything else.

At nativelinguist.net, our dedicated marketing translators will meet your expectation for your specific demand in localising products and services

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