How does Machine Translation Post-Editing Work?

Definition of Machine Translation Post Editing

Definition of Machine Translation

The definition is the first thing we’ll look at. The automated translation of source material into another language is referred to as MT stand for machine translation.

Due to advancements in both software and hardware, MT has seen a significant boost in speed and accuracy in recent years. The language industry’s technology is expanding at a lightning speed. One specific example is the integration of MT into the majority of up-to-date CAT programs. Linguists now can use it as a productivity boost whenever they can, either globally on complete files or at the segment level exclusively.

Machine translation

Linguists must learn how to make the most of the technology available to them in this age of technology, as highly integrated and new tools and solutions are developed on a regular basis. Constantly implementing and updating new technologies allows the linguists to increase productivity as well as to have better chances in the translation industry.

Post-editing and Machine Translation

Post-editing MT is swiftly gaining appeal as a service among language service providers, as MT is currently a prominent trend in the sector. MT + post-editing is a combination of machine translation and traditional human translation. Post-editing, as the name implies, follows the MT process.

  • MT offers some advantages, including the ability to translate at breakneck speed, yet it may lack the nuanced quality and professional assurance that a human translation can ensure. While not as rapid as raw MT, MT with post-editing (MTPE) by a human translator can offer your work a more polished and professional feel.
  • Because the scene is rapidly changing, linguists must adapt and learn how to become skilled post-editors. Do you want to give yourself more time to take on new jobs or devote more time to creative projects like literary translation, transcreation, or copywriting?
  • MTPE is precisely what you are looking for. It simply shorten the time it takes to localize a text rather than translating it from scratch. MTPE is an useful strategy for dealing with texts that are more repetitive and less imaginative.

1 thoughts on “How does Machine Translation Post-Editing Work?

  1. Pingback: Machine Translation Post-Editing - How to Master? and when NOT MTPE

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